About this site
I have one goal for this website; to make the lives
of authors easier. Writing is hard work and is not always rewarded
in financial ways. Intangible rewards are worth something, but sometimes
we need more. And support is always needed and appreciated. So I
am selecting articles here that are useful and helpful to the aspiring
writer. I found them helpful to me, and use that as my criteria
for inclusiong. Links are also included only if I found them useful.
If you have any suggestions for this site, don't hesitate to contact
me. If you desire to submit an article for others to read (sorry,
all you get is free publicity and increase your stature in the eyes
of others), I would be happy to post them. Let me know how I can
make this site work for you.
About me
My name is Matthew Rutherford. I have lived in four
states and two countries, the longest time has been in the U.S.A.
Currently, I'm a Masters Student in Counseling Psychology. I have
been writing forever and decided that traditional ways of getting
published are too slow. I've been online since 1996 and had some
web site or another since 1997. I have a number of web projects
that you can view. The hub of my web presence is Lacuna.us.
Feel free to see the other work I have done.